Building Europe's first natural graphite anode plant in Luleå
Talga’s Luleå Anode Refinery, the first of its kind in Europe, will manufacture sustainable anode material for greener lithium-ion batteries. Situated within the Luleå Industrial Park in northern Sweden, the refinery uses high grade natural graphite from Talga’s own deposits near Vittangi.
By using renewable electricity, high grade graphite ore and proprietary technology, the plant can produce some of the world’s greenest anode material for electric vehicle lithium-ion batteries.

The Anode Refinery in brief
What is it? The Anode Refinery will produce natural graphite anode material for lithium-ion batteries used in electric vehicles. The facility will have a total building area of approximately 36,000m2 or about five football fields.
How much will it produce? In its initial stage, the Refinery will produce 19,500 tonnes of anode material per year. That’s enough for 16GWh of battery capacity, or approximately 270,000 electric vehicles per year.
How sustainable is the process? Compared to the imported anode materials currently used in Europe, production of Talga’s battery anode material has up to 92% less CO2-eq emissions, as demonstrated in our Life Cycle Assessment. This reduction is made possible thanks to local renewable electricity as well as Talga’s high grade natural graphite ore and unique processing technology.
Why Luleå? As the centre of the emerging green industry cluster in Sweden, Luleå provides access to renewable electricity, direct transport routes to battery and automotive manufacturers, a leading science university and skilled workforce.
How advanced is the development? We have commenced initial groundworks in preparation of construction.

Environmental Impact Assessment
Talga has undertaken numerous baseline environmental studies and assessed potential environmental impacts of our proposed operation. These studies covered a wide range of focus areas, including water management, biodiversity, and other potential impacts on the local community.
The studies, with further documentation, were submitted to the Land and Environment Court as part of the application for the plant’s Environmental Permit.

News Alerts and Community Newsletter
Talga is committed to operating with transparency and providing stakeholders insight into our activities, progress and initiatives.
As part of this commitment and to keep local communities informed, Talga regularly distributes newsletters with updates on our activities, key information and community initiatives.
Click here for an archive of our Swedish community newsletters.

Feedback, questions and complaints
Feedback is an important part of how we continuously improve our processes and operations. We are happy to accept all comments and complaints regarding our operations. Submissions can be made anonymously.
How do I submit comments, suggestions for improvement or complaints?
Talga’s mission is to enable the world’s most sustainable batteries and consumer products through innovative graphitic materials. We believe an important part of achieving this is open and transparent communication with all stakeholders. If you have any questions about our Luleå operations, get in touch at +46 (0) 10-303 71 00 (exchange) or
We gratefully accept comments and complaints regarding our operations by phone, email or through this form. Talga will handle all submissions through a defined process.